Thursday, December 25, 2008

Eat That Frog

Welcome to Australia's version of sizzlin' hot
Eat That Frog!


This is an invitation into what might be the world’s most remarkable and profitable system to not only double your income but cut your hours of work drastically.

If you are a professional who is not only interested in increasing your income and cutting your hours in half, but you also have no problem thinking outside of the box. YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE.

There’s an excellent reason why you are here, among a select few chosen to receive this invitation- a reason that will become very apparent to you in a moment.

Today’s professional and business owners realize that standard methods of business are no longer working. People are burning out, companies are collapsing and employees are no longer loyal. How do you build an organization, a company and most importantly, your own life as a leading professional without procrastination, without hesitation or burn out?
You Eat That Frog!

Eat That Frog! has just been released in the Australian market after have amazing success in the US, Canada and 40 over countries. Self confidence and structured planning are a key focus in most business and sales objectives. The key message of Eat That Frog! is the same but the core value does not offer a prescribed hype-filled motivation end. Brian Tracy brings to the event key solutions, step by step procedures and strategies that give tools and methods to get to the core of the message. With all businesses and leaders being different a personalized approach to life and work and all aspects that fill our day need to be planned and prioritized.

Many employees and team leaders know how to create To-Do lists, but few know how to prioritize and complete their tasks in order of importance.

For every new habit, an old habit will be done away with. BTI teaches in the Eat That Frog!

There are step by step processes, strategic methods and on target paths that you can follow and you can root out common problems that stop the mediocre and call professionals forward. We are covering these steps in our Eat That Frog! Seminar. You’ll learn all about how to create real profits, how to overcome procrastination, how to trim down your hours and most importantly, how to accomplish what you deserve and desire in your business endeavors. seminar that the most valuable tasks you can do each day are often the hardest and most complex. But the payoff and rewards for completing these tasks efficiently can be tremendous. You will learn how to adamantly refuse to work on tasks in the bottom 80% while you still have tasks in the top 20% left to be done.

Keep Coming Back as we will impart the lessons that the Eat That Frog Seminar has shared through this blog. You will hear success stories, tips and real-life applications that can help you gain wealth, success and total life satisfaction.
See you soon

Thursday, August 14, 2008

My Key to a Happy & Successful Life

My experiences before proved that my lifestyle can be considered as "habits of wasting time". Lately, I've read about Brian Tracy's "Eat that Frog" and was slapped with a realization. Pristine insights flowed within me and I never felt motivated this much. This book brought me to the realm to practice effective time management. I should be developing my skills to be effective and successful. Every Chapter of "Eat That Frog" teaches a daily method effective in improving our daily lifestyle -- To utilize healthy procrastination. By doing such, we should have focus in setting our daily goals and objectives, prioritizing and putting it in action to allow productivity to flourish. This book really portrays the key to success.

Confessions of A New Convert

Brian Tracey's "Eat That Frog" works in so many different ways. It helps me a lot in my daily activities. It teaches time management and reminds me to focus only to IMPORTANT TASKS. I am now more effective with my tasks and now setting clearer goals and objectives for my life. This book really works for me and changes the way I think. My desire to success improves and builds my future to be bright and sufficient. This book tells us that to be successful we should practice lesser procrastination to be more effective in life. We should eat our daily "frog" with enthusiasm and discipline. "Frogs" are there to push us to where we desire most – a successful and happy life!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Successful people practically know what they're doing. They have mastered a skill and applied it in their chosen craft which not only makes them effective but also, influential to others. Success of successful people is something that everyone should re-learn. Successful people didn't use any complicated methods or techniques to achieve success. The more simpler an approach towards maximum results is, the more they would patronize it. For them, success is not complicated but rather simple. If you want an apple, pick an apple from its tree and not from an orange tree. That's how they think. That's how simple success of successful people is.
Brian Tracy, a self-made man and a successful "life coach" shares to everyone through his bestseller, "Eat That Frog!" how success of successful people can be achieved by everyone. By sharing 21 practical principles like thinking on paper, the rule of 3, the 80-20 rule, the ABCDE Method in prioritizing, etc. are classic examples of success infused with sheer happiness. For one to afford a simple life, one must learn to work hard for it. But, until when? The answer lies within. The conviction and decision to bring forth success should be crystal clear and transparent to yourself. Success is just there but until when will you let it wait? Success of successful people can be easily achieved by just eating that frog!

You Hold Success

No matter what others may say or advice you, you still have the final say. If you want change, nobody can bring it to you but yourself. Nobody's responsible to your fate but you yourself. You are given with the gift of "free will" to choose on whatever. Regardless of what choices you make, success is just there within waiting to be moved. Brian Tracy's book, "Eat That Frog!" is a gracious book to spoon feed to its audience the beauty of achieving success.

I have learned from the expert methods and techniques in managing my time and optimizing my wealth. Mr. Brian Tracy is definitely one fat "frog eater". He is the living epitome of success and grace. He directs his audience only to themselves. Positively motivating themselves to achieve success and happiness. If you're not going to plant, surely you won't reap anything. For successful people, success is a process and never instant. It is not like the comforts of technology where in a push of a button, voala! There you have it. Success like trust is earned and worked on. It is never served in a silver platter. You hold it and you can do something about it.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A Layman Version Of The Successful Language

Try to imagine yourself in a physician’s clinic. You have undergone a series of tests trying to diagnose a simple episode of diarrhea. Now, the laboratory results and tests reveal the disease. The physician now starts explaining everything using highly sophisticated medical terms. You are now confused with what he or she is trying to tell you because of the terms he or she used. It made you more anxious of your diagnosis instead of the other way around. Instead of comprehending your current state you become more unaware of what’s happening.

Would you ask that physician to explain it to you in layman or opt to get a second opinion from another physician who can explain it crystal clear?

What I’m trying to say is this. If someone alienates you to perform a simple task, ask the person who delegated you until its crystal clear. No loss! Right? Getting a second opinion is an option but will just waste precious time and effort. Asking directly to the person involve will just optimize your performance and produce expected and maximum results in no time. Now, learning the language of the successful people are simply discussed in layman at Brian Tracy’s book, “Eat That Frog!” The language of successful people is so simple and direct. It’s either a “yes” or a “no”. No “ifs”, “buts”, “maybes”. They tell you directly if it’s a hit or not. By learning how to converse like a successful person requires discipline, focus, confidence, action, swift delivery and creativity. Most of the techniques taught in the book aren’t the usual things you learn in school but very vital if you’re decided to achieve success. What you learn in the four corners of your classroom is different in the real world. All you need to learn is to think like a CEO, work like the company owner and motivated like a kid. “Eat That Frog” reveals it all by telling you to think on paper and eat the biggest and ugliest “frogs” in your work pond FIRST. It will surely help you comprehend the language of success.

Bringing Out Your Successful You

Have you been wasting your God-given time torn with your work and just waiting for success to give you a chance? Honestly speaking, all the time you’ve been waiting for success, you totally ignored it all your life. Success is a discipline mate. Try for example, our Olympiad athletes ready to be launched in a few weeks for this August 8, 2008 World Olympics in China. They have been undergoing series of trainings and lifestyle modifications since last year. They have been training with discipline and motivating themselves to push everything to the limits. “No pain, no gain” is their motto. Now, if you’re still sitting there and doing nothing, you wouldn’t even taste or see a glimpse of success in your life. That is for a fact. If you want success, you have to work hard for you to earn it.

Bringing Out You Slumbering SUCCESS

Now, I ask you to quickly get a piece of clean paper and a pen and WRITE all your dreams and goals. Everything that you can possibly think off write it down with conviction. Give yourself 15 minutes to do it. More than that is a luxury so think quickly! Now, try to sort it all out by applying Brian Tracy’s hit, “Eat That Frog!” Rule of 3. Identify all your TOP 3 Goals/Dreams for yourself, your family/relationship, health, finances, your personal development, your social responsibility and your TOP 3 concerns. By doing so will simply give you some sense of direction. Now, try to direct all your actions towards reaching your long-term goals in what you’ve sorted out. Discipline, focusing only to important things and positive motivation to achieve success is what will fuel your drive. The rest of your dreams/goals that aren’t included can wait. Don’t fret, it’ll be of some importance in due time.

After performing that simple simulation of Brian Tracey’s bestseller, “Eat That Frog!” you will definitely have a quick peek of what I’m trying to bring out of you – your successful “YOU”.

Effective Tips From People Living in Success

Successful people nowadays are so generous to share practical and effective strategies they applied in their lives to achieve success. There are a lot of publications authored by these successful people helping others get motivated and helping themselves reach their dreams. Brian Tracy is one of the many who generously shared his simple tricks in achieving success but is truly life changing. He taught principles in optimizing wealth and accelerating productivity. His bestseller “Eat That Frog” is an effective tool in aiding someone seeking success in his or her life.

Brian Tracy shared 21 simple principles one can apply. Change is the only permanent thing in this world and by far, a better change of personality and a new set of goals is a spanking new start. The effective tips from successful people all boils down to these principles

* Knowing what they want

* Knowing their key competencies

* Motivated and only relying on themselves

* Focus and Determined

* Concentrating all their energy and time to important tasks and responsibilities

* Planning their days ahead

* Thinking on Paper

* Realistic and Time-bounded goal setting

* Prioritizing Tasks/Responsibilities according to urgency

* Always on their best foot forward

* Careful with their decisions and actions

* Taking one step at a time


* Delegating their “tadpoles”

* Not dependent on technology

* Personally evaluates their performance

* Able to spend more time with his or her family, relationship

* Able to pursue his or her health, financial, personal development and social responsibility goals

* Able to enjoy more extra FREE hours at work

* Able to enjoy more wealth

I guess each principle is self-explanatory but are further discussed in “Eat That Frog”. Brian Tracy provided simple simulations how you can apply each principle in your life and see the difference. Success is being able to equalize everything. By learning the effective tips from people living in success, success is not a dream anymore!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Technology Can Pull You Down

“Beep!” sounded my blackberry. “Ding Dong!” rang the bell in my mobile phone. A machine voice speaking out of my Mac book, “You have 888 new emails!” over and over again, these devices have been sounding off and alarming me for more than 15 times in a minute. I can’t stay in focus with my job because I get tempted to check who has messaged me. I love it but it’s not doing me any good. I may say now that technology is bringing me down. It makes me attend more to these gadgets and work less. What a distraction!

Brian Tracy’s spanking hit, “Eat That Frog” discussed how turning every technological device OFF will make you work efficiently and focused. I believe that but how can I check my messages, my emails, etc. if I turned everything off or even in silent mode. I would still feel the “itch” to even peek at it. But, “Eat That Frog” tells how you can manage your time efficiently. It makes you earn extra FREE hours by just doing your tasks with focus.

So, I’ve tried it one day and see if I can stand it. What I did was to break everything to me gently was to designate 15 minutes every 3 hours to check my messages. By golly, it really worked! I get my work done in less time and still afford to check my mails. I guess I wanted to learn the hard way and tried it myself. What’s ironic about it was when I accidentally left my mobile and blackberry in a cab two days ago and I’m honestly enjoying it. I do still have plans to purchase a new one. But, it amazes me how simple life can be without these technology devices.

Worries Of A Procrastinator Ready For Change

I woke up this morning with a very lucid dream. I saw myself in a room – without a door and window. It felt more of like I’m in a box. The feeling was eerie and I didn’t like where I was. I was trying to get out but it seems that I’m stuck. Until I saw this ladder just lying down on the floor and realized that it was just there all the time. I hurriedly went to the ladder and saw that it wasn’t sturdy enough to carry my weight. But, I still struggled to put it against the wall and trying to climb up the ceiling (apparently, it was the only way out). When I was about to touch the ceiling and saw the light, I woke up. The ray of the sun passing through the window was naively mantling my whole face. I then got up from bed and spent 10 minutes just thinking and reflecting about my dream. Everything felt so real. I then snapped out of it and knew what I had to do. I had this really big project coming up in less than 2 weeks and I still haven’t done anything relevant for it. No inputs were done and wasted time gathering all the necessary materials. I haven’t even spent quality time with my family for the past 6 months and still bombarded with tons of tasks. I realized that only if I applied the principles from Brian Tracy’s book, “Eat That Frog!” my life would be a lot more organized and easier. But, I can’t start procrastinating and blaming myself again – that will just waste time. So, what I have in mind is to apply it now like a “lifesaver” and see if I can pull everything off. I just hope everything works.

The Art of Success

I understand that you are now what I used to be. I have found myself in a trap where I felt that I am going nowhere and bounded with the so-called “rat race”. I lived a stressful life before. I was trying to achieve financial freedom but found myself just working to pay all my monthly bills. My life didn’t change until I became a “frog eater”.

Brian Tracy’s book, “Eat That Frog!” made me a much more relaxed and positive person. It taught me simple approaches in my daily tasks and responsibilities. Just by eating the frogs, I learned how to prioritize and approach everything. I can now say I live a successful life. I enjoy my family’s company, my development as an individual and my finances is starting to establish.

The art of success entails discipline and focus. Never soak yourself up with a lot of external pressures. It simply destroys your initiative as an individual. Learning from Brian Tracy’s work of art is simply fascinating. The techniques are easy to follow and it brings everything in perspective. The art of success is like a jigsaw puzzle where only you can figure your way up.

Motivating Thyself

“What is it in me that holds me back?”

“What should I perform to accelerate my motivation to accomplish?”

These are common questions when one is in the crossroads. We are now living in a fast changing world where the demands of each profession sky rockets. If you’re not contented with your current job simply tells you that you are not growing as an individual in that field. Your interest and your drive to succeed are in the drain. No matter what your efforts are, you still feel unmotivated and held back. You envy others who enjoy their profession that ends up in procrastination.

Stop there and try to pause for a while. You have been dwelling in the most powerful negative vibration – self-destruction.

Brian Tracy’s hit, “Eat That Frog!” tell you to stop & relax. Try to define your purpose again and know where your passion rests. By doing so, it’ll give you a fresh start and find yourself motivated again. It will make everything clear like a bird’s eye view. It’s just like a footy game. The audience sees what the players did or did not. The players just played but didn’t see what you saw. Be the audience. Look everything in a different angle. You might just find the missing piece of the puzzle.

Motivating thyself needs not to be rushed. You need to spend time for yourself because it’s your self silently shouting for attention. By jump starting your game plan and focus will help improve your performance. According to Gandhi, “There is more to life than just increasing its speed.”

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Day When I Ate That Frog

I can still remember that I'm doing well in everything I do until I came across Brian Tracy's "Eat That Frog" – it enhanced ME. Though I must say that I am an effective worker, with the simple tips "Eat That Frog" offered me, it had given me more free time to enjoy LIFE.

I have been involved with the community welfare services of our small town. I am a reliable and confident community manager. With the trainings I've undergone, it has made me well geared for the 'real' world with skills to tackle 'real' problems. With the use of my leadership skills, I usually get things done in no time. But, motivating my personnel was a tough job. Coming from different sorts of background, they were really hard to motivate and it was hard for them to comprehend what I really wanted to happen. Until one day when my supervisor called for a spot meeting. The meeting ruled out all the problems my unit was undergoing. My boss then asked me to deal with the problems as soon as possible. He wouldn't want to risk on loosing anything. Thus, I was forced to come up with a solution.

So what I did was to call for a conference with all the staff and scheduled for a weekend team building. To make the long story short, I applied "Eat That Frog's" principles of

* Thinking on Paper
* Goal Setting
* Prioritization
* Planning
* Action
* Evaluation

With different games and discussions, it caught my unit's enthusiasm and creativity in dealing with their daily, weekly, monthly frogs. They have become more dynamic in solving their own problems and hold a positive attitude towards a COMMON GOAL. The day I ate that frog helped me transcend the same to my staff - the importance of productivity, time management and wealth. Now all of us can play tennis after office hours and just enjoy each other's company.

Blogging With a CAUSE

With the advancements of journal writing, I am here transcribing what I know brought me to my altered state. I think that through this medium, I can further become an advocate of Brian Tracy's hit, "Eat That Frog!"

I didn't know how it crossed my path in this life but I believe that it came in the most convenient and appropriate time in my life. I was busy loaded with my daily "frogs" as a journalism student. I really had a hard time focusing and was a total emotional wreck. I usually crammed. "Eat That Frog" taught me how to organize my life in a simple manner. By allowing myself to further practice and develop my skills in time management, I learned how to prioritize things and eat the biggest and nastiest frogs.

Now, I am enjoying the perks it has taught me. I further broadened my horizons and became an effective student. I now enjoy good grades and still maintain my extra curricular. I have attained a balanced life and thanks to "Eat That Frog!" for it made me see how unlimited I can be.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

"Eat That Frog" Brings Success

I have been living for the past year by applying the principles of Brian Tracy’s book, “Eat That Frog!” These are the things I’ve learned:

* Discipline develops a successful lifestyle
* Practice planning ahead
* Develop a sense of urgency
* Make your life blue print by “Thinking on Paper”
* Be confident with what you do I had a difficult time at first.

I failed at some points but fueled by passion and determination to un-learn my “Bad Habits”. I made it a point to rise from the fall. Coming from a really bad habit of procrastinating, I squeezed myself in achieving major changes in my life.
The process for me was the testing period. I associate myself as a caterpillar before who underwent metamorphosis and now fly like a butterfly. “Eat That Frog” really changed by pushing me to be the best. I now enjoy my altered state in success.

I'm Hooked With Fat Frogs

I consider myself as a good student of Brian Tracy’s bestseller, “Eat That Frog!” I am now applying it in my life and I’m happy to say that I slowly see the changes. I am now enjoying a more pro-active attitude, more organized, more strategic in planning my goals and daily tasks and became more time efficient. I now soak myself with the culture “Eat That Frog” offers. I listen to it everyday before I go to work and just get hooked in increasing my productivity. Phew! I now handle 2 online accounts and by far gives me a sense of accomplishment and confidence. By knowing which “frog” to eat first, helped me develop my profit as well.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Spread The Love

Starting my day eating the biggest and ugliest frogs in my pond of work now addicts me. The more fat and ugly those frogs are, the more rushed & excited I get. Brian Tracy’s book, “Eat That Frog” is simply LOVE. Loving what you do disciplines you to get used to it. It now becomes a part of your system. To share this “love” to you is not only all about the hanky-panky baloney marketing pitches others use. It is rewarding and blissful in the end.All you need is to check their website (
type your email and they’ll send you your free Ebook. That easy!

Now, I’ve done my part why don’t you experience it yourself and spread the love for the frogs! Riddip!

My Kind of Music

Each individual has his or hew own preference with music. Some people love it with an upbeat mode, some enjoys eclectic and progressive types, some goes for the sexy mood, and most go with the trend. People create their own culture through music. Indeed it is an influential tool in molding and motivating a person. “Eat That Frog” hums a tune of success. Without a doubt, that is my kind of music.

Hocus Pokus Need to Focus

“Hocus Pocus Need To Focus” used to be my status in yahoo messenger or skype when I am crammed up with a lot of very important daily tasks and just doesn’t want to be disturbed. But, with Brian Tracy’s book, “Eat That Frog!” it facilitated my focus only to important things. What I usually do when I am jam-packed, I get my blackberry and start planning and prioritizing the tasks by using the “ABCDE Rule”. After spending 15 minutes by planning quickly, I now have a game plan.

“Eat That Frog!” made my life easier and organized. Now, I changed my usual status with “EAT THAT FROG MATE!” to keep me on track and remind myself to become focused only to those fat “frogs”.

My Vision: An Ocean of Frogeaters

I come from a successful and influential social class and now found my passion – living a philanthropic lifestyle for more than 5 years now. I underwent a lot to seep away from my parents’ shadows and learned the most valuable things in life hands-on. Most people say that I was like Gautama. But, I say that if only I can leave a legacy by planting the most valuable skill for everyone to be successful and achieve equality, I would do it in my own humble and diligent way. I was in an expedition of seeking that powerful ‘seed’ to success – that led me to Brian Tracy’s book, “Eat That Frog!” Success is for everyone who knows how to practice discipline. I am now in a local stadium enjoying ‘footy’. I see the vast number of people also experiencing the same thing I was experiencing – the adrenalin of the game. As people cheered with every goal and booed with a mishap, I felt that intense flow of energy. At a split second, I caught myself in a state of reflection. I told my assistant, “My vision mate, is to produce an ocean of Frog Eaters.” As soon as we got in my car, he asked me, “Where do we start sir?” and I gladly answered back, “Let’s first eat our frogs!”

Swallowing Your Frog With Grace

Chewing your food isn’t enough. You have to swallow it. Brian Tracy’s bestseller, “Eat That Frog” teaches you not only how to eat your daily ‘frogs’ but also, learn how to swallow it with finesse. It is amicable to take care of your daily ‘frogs’ systematically. Having a positive outlook to it gives you a good start. No matter how big your ‘frog’ is, a positive drive to accomplish the task makes the whole swallowing process flippantly. Here’s the whole eating and swallowing process: * Know what you want * Organize your thoughts * Plan in advance * Think on paper * Prioritize your ‘frogs’ according to urgency * Self-impose deadlines * Focus * Deliver * Evaluate results I’ve disciplined myself to always go the extra mile in a limited time. I noticed an increase in my productivity rate and I am able to manage my time accordingly. With this positive outlook on my daily ‘frogs’ (tasks and responsibilities), I am able to eat and swallow it with grace.

Hitting 6 Frogs With 1 Stone

Today is a Tuesday and I’m still on a high.
You must be intrigued how I did that right? 7 birds with 1 stone is simple. It’s just a matter of knowing how to “Eat That Frog!” For the record, it all happened last night.

I am currently organizing a benefit event due next month – that’s my passion. But, I also do have a regular 8-hour day job. Of course I cannot bring my passion at work because it will keep me unfocused. I don’t even want that to happen. It’s my way of balancing things. I am sometimes tempted but I don’t entertain on taking the risk. Anyways, I started my day right. I did what Brian Tracy tells in his book “Eat That Frog!” – organize and plan your day ahead.
So, I basically spent only 4 hours the recent weekend on planning my week. With that habit, it saved me more time right now and I can now juggle two responsibilities (my day job and the upcoming event) with focus. So, I did the usual ‘frogs’ in my day job and ended it with flare. I was also swamped with a task to meet-up with the bar owner by 8 p.m. last night to update each other about the progress of the event. So, I went to the bar and met up with the bar owner. The first bird was the bar owner.

Now, as I went around the bar to do some ocular inspection, a guy from afar was screaming my name. I didn’t see him clearly because the entire place was dim. So, I approached his table and saw that it was one of my event sponsors. He was with his 2 guests from other states and introduced me. By catching up with each other, I utilized my charms and chatted about the upcoming event. He then committed for a major sponsorship as well as, his other guests who were apparently marketing heads of reputable companies. Whoa! I got 3 birds in one sitting.

Partial total number of birds = 4. I am actually enjoying the spontaneity of the night.

Now, as I left their table, I saw the band manager for my event sitting alone. Since my adrenalin was still high, I was in the verge of closing deals. I went to his table. He was surprised when he saw me since we haven’t seen each other for the longest time. We updated each other and closed a pretty good deal – another bird down.

When I was about to leave the bar, the bar owner called and asked me to stay for a while. I wasn’t in a hurry so I stayed. She then introduced me to the Regional head of a global beverage company who was sitting on an intimidating group of CEOs and high positioned personalities. He looked at me straight in the eye and asked me briefly about my upcoming benefit event. I started with the event beneficiary, the concept, the target market and their mileage. He smiled back looking convinced and asked me to fax a letter to his personal office line and follow it up two weeks before the event. I was lucky to be given the opportunity to discuss my concept informally. By applying the principles of “Eat That Frog”, it made my informal presentation concise and straight to the point. I really came out of my shell. I now consider the 6th bird down.

With a “stone” (goal), all 6 birds went down. Now, I have to prioritize which task to do first. But, I don’t feel the need to fret for I am brought to light by Brian Tracy’s book, “Eat That Frog!”

My Mum's Errands

My mum woke me up by calling at 5 am and asked me to do a bunch of ‘last minute’ favors. I basically had to run her errands since she’s not feeling well. She also imposed the tasks to be completed since; she cannot attend on these before leaving for Norway in two days. Before hanging up I asked her if I could let someone do it for me, and she gladly agreed as long as, everything will be accomplished. Her errands, by the way, I call as ‘pick-ups’:

* Pick-up her friend from the airport who was arriving from Sydney
* Pick-up the spring rolls she ordered from a friend and bring it back her house
* Pass by Aunt Ruby’s house for her luggage – which was borrowed from her
* And lastly, bring her 2 Labradors “Missy & Jicko” in a local kennel inn

What a disaster!

If I was the ‘me’ before learning about the book, “Eat That Frog!”, all my anticipated frogs for today will be growing fatter and uglier. Though I don’t intend not to eat it or might just procrastinate and say "later" and probably never get 'round to it. I’m torn! Now, my adrenalin rushes through my system. With the glibness of my tongue, I guess I can make something sound really true. But, that wasn’t taught in Brian Tracy’s book, “Eat That Frog!” neither do I want to do it. So, I have no choice but to deliver my previous engagements and my mum’s errands a.k.a. “HER FROGS”. Owning somebody else’s ‘frogs’ aren’t exciting but extremely challenging. I juggled all the frogs with focus, determination, and skill topped with reversed psych excitement and management. Isn’t it a game plan? So, what I did:
* I called my assistant and advised her to come over my house before 9 a.m. to use my other vehicle as her mode of transportation in running my mum’s errands and,
* Gave her my extra credit card (for emergency purposes)

I have been mastering the art of delegating through Brian Tracy’s ‘Eat That Frog!’ By delegating your so-called ‘tadpoles’, your productivity rate and performance won’t be harmed. If I was the same old girl before, I’d practically do everything myself and just procrastinate.

By the way, I got my free Ebook at Check it yourself! It’s really stirring and advantageous.

Juggling The Frogs According To Size

I ended my hectic Monday by sorting out and starting to enumerate the ‘Frogs’ I need to eat for tomorrow. I planned ahead of time, which I got used to doing after reading Brian Tracey’s book, “Eat That Frog!” 3 months ago. By far, I’m enjoying the benefits of the discipline by being more productive and time efficient.
Anyway, here’s a stack of what I need to accomplish tomorrow:

* I need to report to the clinic by 9 am
* Lunch conference with our head nurse
* 2 Home Visitations
* An hour Career talks at my sister’s symposium about First-Aid Emergency Procedures in the afternoon
* Pick-up the kids by 5pm

Though I usually let my assistant plan my day, I now enjoy the liberty of doing so. She now runs other errands for me. I personally started doing it for discipline and my determination to stop procrastination, which I was guilty of. I now have the skill and knowledge so why not apply it? Time management is very essential when you’re in the medical profession. A split second is someone’s life.

Going back to my day, everything was well planned. Everything was scheduled. By applying the principles of Brian Tracey’s book, “Eat That Frog”, I meticulously followed the basic steps like:

* Thinking on Paper
* Planning your day ahead
* Goal setting
* Implementation
* Observing deadlines
* And using the 80-20 rule to basically manage my time

Our profession in the medical field comes in different schedules that’s why knowing what to prioritize first is very essential in rendering our care. I can say that “Eat That Frog!” is a masterpiece in helping everyone who needs to develop time management in reaching success. The more we focus and prioritize, the more effective we become as professionals.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

‘FROGS’ For Dieting (Testimonial Series)

FOCUS! FOCUS! That is what I need. No matter how I work, I just can’t finish it.

Today was simply a tiring day. With all the adjustments I am going through now, living as an Asian in the land down under in barely 3 months. I have no friends. The new working environment is simply grandeur. Everyone expects me to keep up. It’s not that I’m not enjoying, it’s just that I can’t focus. I miss my home.

Cramming is simply not my cup of tea. I honestly do love to work. It’s just that no matter what I do, it seems I can’t accomplish lots of things on time. I’m not like this way back home. I’m totally the complete opposite. I am an effective, competent and dedicated employee. And with the performance I was enjoying here in Australia, I desperately needed help.

One day at work, I finished everything on time and was just lolling in my PC. I was trying to look for a network here in Australia that helps improve someone’s performance by knowing their culture, work style habits, etc. I surfed through a lot of sites until I saw this “Eat That Frog”. I checked it out because I was basically intrigued of what the ‘Frog’ was. Way back home, local farmers eat frogs from the rice fields and by its headline I was intrigued.

So, there it was! I found what I’m looking for.

A website that leads you to the source of all practical knowledge that is simply life changing ( Just by downloading the Ebook and read it at the weekend basically transformed my perspective. Now, I am psyched in attending their seminar.

No wonder just by Eating That Frog – I will surely accomplish everything with maximum results. It wasn’t race-biased but was simply designed for everyone. It was simply UNIVERSAL. Eat that Frog taught me how to “Think on Paper” – something that I don’t normally do, but because of that principle another principle unveiled and the rest followed. I definitely redeemed my FOCUS by just Eating That Frog and I suggest you do it now.

I’ve Overcome My ‘Weight Problem’ By Eating That Frog (Testimonial Series)

I am a successful Senior Head of a reputable company. With such position come heavy loads of task and responsibilities everyday. I had a set of ways in doing things, but was further harnessed in one memorable seminar. I met my wife there by the way. Anyways, I once attended this Eat That Frog seminar. I listened to Brian Tracy’s concepts and principles and applied it in the office. It completely changed my life. I always yielded the quickest and expected results. I became more effective with my management by being goal oriented. I learned to practice brief morning meetings only discussing about daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly goals. I am always loaded with tons of responsibilities everyday but managed to eat that frog.

I am now living as a single dad of 3 kids. I’m tremendously loving and enjoying it but it harmed my strategy in work.

It was not too long ago; when my wife took her last breathe after giving birth to our twins due to some complications.

I lost hope and wanted to kill myself when I saw the flat line in front of me. “Clear!” shouted the doctor, “clear!” responded the nurse. I can’t believe it was happening right before my very eyes. I was in denial and wanting to wake up from a very bad dream. It pierced my heart and went through my soul! It was really painful. I lost a woman I loved so much.

Now, our twins “Frederico and Angela” are both 8 months old.

Though my mum and my sister assisted me, I can’t rely on them anymore for they too have their own lives. My eldest Juri, who is 4 years old recently, started play school. His class is only half day so I usually pick him up in his friend’s house just two blocks away our house. Good thing our company has a daycare where I can bring the twins at work and just check at them if I do have the chance.

The biggest frogs are always there, that’s for a fact. I’ve become so successful with my career by applying the Eat That Frog principles why can’t I do it in my household. So, to make the long story short, by eating those ‘overweight’ frogs FIRST practically made me feel weightless.

Make a Decision (Testimonial Series)

Brian Tracy argues that one of the most effective productivity boosters is to make a clear decision to do something or stop doing anything. Either way, do something or not. Make a decision right and get started! Eat That Frog absolutely shared useful concepts for wealth and productivity in practical applications.

For a lot of people including me, who loves to procrastinate, tends to be unproductive and incompetent. Wasting time and energy thinking about something I really should do, or I really should stop doing, or I really would like to achieve has been a common concern. But I don’t make a clear decision either way.

Decisiveness requires self-discipline, practice and repetition to eventually become a habit. It’s worth the effort, because it will maximize your productivity and make you more successful in life. Decisiveness as a second nature will make it easier to fight procrastination and to do what should do when you should do it (regardless if you’re in or not).
Getting things done and decisiveness make a great tag team. The concepts of GTD are good for clearing your head of stuff and creating a trusted system with all of your projects and next actions. However, it is all too easy to only think about your projects without Thinking On Paper. To only think about the next action that you should be doing deals with your focus. And to only think about that wonderful time on your “someday to do list” deals with your commitment. Without a decision, without delivery, it’ll all remain abstract.

Now enhance you getting things done system by applying the habit of decisiveness. By eating that frog, it directs you to a decision accompanied with an action, which project you, should be working on FIRST. Be decisive when it comes to alter stuff from your someday or maybe list into a real project. Do that and get started!

I challenge anyone who is reading this, to make a decision in your life right now. Decide to be highly productive. Decide to be rich. Decide to be successful. Make it now! By just learning from Brian Tracy’s ‘Eat That Frog’ – no frog has an escape.

Bulls Eyed on what Matters (Testimonial Series)

Brian Tracy’s ‘Eat That Frog’ is a great book instead of a less palatable title. But it totally agrees with the basic argument of the book. This is where eating a ‘frog’ is used as a metaphor that means doing the most important thing. This is the task you are most likely to put off, it being mist likely not so good, but also almost certainly the one that will have the greatest probable impact in your life.

The book makes the argument (in which I agree) that there is never time to do everything on your to-do list, and there will be never. Hence, as an alternative of reading so many self-help books on how to organize your life – focus is the key. As well as, you try to do yeoman’s job of chasing the finishing point of all tasks, you have to accept the fact that if you cannot get everything done, you might as well spend your energy on the most important task available.

This goes back to the 80-20 rule, which is that the most important top 20% of all your task will most likely determine 80% of your success, and as a replacement for ticking it off one by one (most people do their task list in chronological order, easiest first and the hard part later), there is a good stand point t believe you can be more successful by just focusing on these top 20%.

This book focuses on three vital aspects of effective personal time management: decision, discipline and determination. The book presents 21 ways to do this. It is a short yet practical book only 144 pages but nevertheless shows far more substance than many books thicker in size.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sugar and Spice Everything but Nice (Testimonial Series)

I did, like a good deal of other students, have a problem where I didn’t do homework because of distractions along the way. I even procrastinated from doing schoolwork by reading books. Well after a while I started growing an interest in self-help workbooks because of my failing mark and my worry about trying to have a better life. This is one of the first few I picked up, Brian Tracey’s “Eat That Frog!”.

With informative books, I usually read the book with a highlighter in tow. For this reason, highlighting all the main ideas throughout the book serves as a refresher. I could just read the highlighted parts later on if I wanted to de reminded. Well after a while I began to notice that I was highlighting way too much. For the reason that the book was filled with vital concepts. On any page you can find great advice to get you out of the forty winks you feel starting to sink in. The book is divided into chapters and each chapter has specific ideas and concepts. The advice isn’t exactly linear. You can open any chapter and still learn something out of it without a big problem (but it is better to read it from front to back). Every after chapter there is a skill taught for you to do what is provided. It will help you better comprehend and develop certain skills discussed like

* Goal setting
* Planning
* Imposed deadlines
* Attacking the Biggest Frogs FIRST

So far I still don’t have immediate results, but I feel much better about my next semester and will continue referring back to this. Eat That Frog is not a quick solution but a practical one. By being more efficient and a better individual, you got to develop certain skills by applying it like baby steps in your life. Definitely, Eat That Frog is a good start.

ALTO CREO (Testimonial Series)

Let me give you a little background about myself.


I’ve come across Brian Tracy’s book, ‘Eat That Frog!” and let me tell you what I think.

So our opinions differ a little regarding this certain aspect. This book makes you prioritize things you must do each day, eating the ugliest frog FIRST. This is twofold. It eliminates procrastination and trepidation. I told my clients to do the thing they fear most first. Why spend the day dreading that awful phone call? Anxiety builds and so does the discomfort. We are saying the same different was. Where we differ is what I teach and that is basically sales and self-promotion. You can find any frog uglier than your marketing responsibilities.

My clients create their marketing plan, with daily action items they commit to do. No matter the number of frogs out there. The energy over the visual of Eating A Frog is so emotional that it actually lingers. That what makes it such a fascinating medium. I use the same language to my clients and I often hail an accomplishment accredited to. “Just sat down and ate that frog”. Eat That Frog will alter your perspective and attitude on * Procrastination * Time management * Focus * Productivity and * Wealth Initially, I did not believe it, because although most populace told me I work more than anyone they know. I can dig my boots in as stubbornly as another. But as I felt that wave coming on, I just ate the frog.

Monday, July 7, 2008

What's Your Frog Like Today?

I know you have a lot of 'frogs' (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly tasks) lined up.

All getting fat and ripe ei and waiting to be eaten?

Let's make our lives easy now. Tell me what your frog is 'coz it's my

Friday, July 4, 2008

I’m Now Eating Frogs for Dinner

“There is one quality that one must possess to win and that is a definite purpose, the knowledge of what one wants and the burning desire to achieve it”

I learned of this book ‘Eat That Frog’ – Brian Tracey International Best-seller from a friend who has the 1st edition of it. As I glanced through his copy and noticed this post-it notes on the side. He said you have to grab your copy of this book; it will put your life in order. So I bought a copy of the 2nd edition and read the book through. I then marked that task that I felt will help me find the missing hours in a day -- so things will get accomplished, instead of being brushed under the rug.

Sometimes it just seems amazing that at the end of the day, week or a month – you conquered your own time by focusing only on your ‘frogs’. Just by eating the biggest and ugliest frogs first will surely make all the difference. It seems that nothing or not a whole lot seemed to be accomplished. I work in Direct Sales so it also helps. It helped me manage and organize my time by:
  • Finding time to take care of the household stuff
  • Spending quality time with my family as well as, taking care of their needs
  • And being able to spend time with clients to cater to them better
With the “Yes I can” attitude, nothing’s impossible. This book will definitely get you away from procrastinating and work with your goals. It’s a win-win predicament.

Friday, June 27, 2008

BIG "I" for Independence

Eat That Frog reminded me the following:
  • • Having a vision
  • • Having a goal
  • • Having a plan
  • • Having a dead line
  • • Having concrete action
I have been working for the past 15 years and by far it was horrendous. I transferred from one job to another trying to define my so-called "purpose". I always got a memo from my supervisors for not accomplishing the tasks I am expected to finish. I personally felt incompetent and simply out of focus. My life was pure procrastination.

Then I learned to EAT THAT FROG!

I am now working for myself. I hired a brilliant accountant and 2 assistants – that’s all I need. I had a vision and planned to mobilize my Real Estate business. It’s me who manages my time now. After 2 years of excruciating intense labour that practically felt like forever with my previous job – I resigned from that cutthroat employment. Now, I am in bliss - I managed to EAT THAT FROG, finally.

I am my own boss. I own a risk-free profitable commercial enterprise that works like a well-oiled machine, without me – all by applying the principles of EAT THAT FROG.

So tired of always being buried with work?
Want to Learn a permanent way to combat that?


The Power of My Pen & Paper

“It’s all in my head now. I’ve been doing the same stuff over and over again! I don’t have the time to write a thing down…it’s just a waste…what for? I’m in control. I believe I can do this right?…wait...I’m forgetting something…”

Well, that was practically me before. I used to be so overconfident and careless of what I am asked to do. I use to procrastinate a lot ending up most of the time accomplishing less with sometimes unexpected results. What a waste! Until I met EAT THAT FROG! Ribbit!

By using the principle of Eat That Frog’s “THINK ON PAPER”, it definitely proved that I was wrong. Yes! I did accomplish things before but by applying the principle it made my life easier and I accomplished what was expected from me, and more. You wanna know HOW?

It would practically take a day to tell you about it - but if you do have a day.....
I can show you

All the secrets can be found there

Isn’t that convenient?

All you need is a pen and paper.

Now, make sure you write this down on top of your list.