Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A Layman Version Of The Successful Language

Try to imagine yourself in a physician’s clinic. You have undergone a series of tests trying to diagnose a simple episode of diarrhea. Now, the laboratory results and tests reveal the disease. The physician now starts explaining everything using highly sophisticated medical terms. You are now confused with what he or she is trying to tell you because of the terms he or she used. It made you more anxious of your diagnosis instead of the other way around. Instead of comprehending your current state you become more unaware of what’s happening.

Would you ask that physician to explain it to you in layman or opt to get a second opinion from another physician who can explain it crystal clear?

What I’m trying to say is this. If someone alienates you to perform a simple task, ask the person who delegated you until its crystal clear. No loss! Right? Getting a second opinion is an option but will just waste precious time and effort. Asking directly to the person involve will just optimize your performance and produce expected and maximum results in no time. Now, learning the language of the successful people are simply discussed in layman at Brian Tracy’s book, “Eat That Frog!” The language of successful people is so simple and direct. It’s either a “yes” or a “no”. No “ifs”, “buts”, “maybes”. They tell you directly if it’s a hit or not. By learning how to converse like a successful person requires discipline, focus, confidence, action, swift delivery and creativity. Most of the techniques taught in the book aren’t the usual things you learn in school but very vital if you’re decided to achieve success. What you learn in the four corners of your classroom is different in the real world. All you need to learn is to think like a CEO, work like the company owner and motivated like a kid. “Eat That Frog” reveals it all by telling you to think on paper and eat the biggest and ugliest “frogs” in your work pond FIRST. It will surely help you comprehend the language of success.

Bringing Out Your Successful You

Have you been wasting your God-given time torn with your work and just waiting for success to give you a chance? Honestly speaking, all the time you’ve been waiting for success, you totally ignored it all your life. Success is a discipline mate. Try for example, our Olympiad athletes ready to be launched in a few weeks for this August 8, 2008 World Olympics in China. They have been undergoing series of trainings and lifestyle modifications since last year. They have been training with discipline and motivating themselves to push everything to the limits. “No pain, no gain” is their motto. Now, if you’re still sitting there and doing nothing, you wouldn’t even taste or see a glimpse of success in your life. That is for a fact. If you want success, you have to work hard for you to earn it.

Bringing Out You Slumbering SUCCESS

Now, I ask you to quickly get a piece of clean paper and a pen and WRITE all your dreams and goals. Everything that you can possibly think off write it down with conviction. Give yourself 15 minutes to do it. More than that is a luxury so think quickly! Now, try to sort it all out by applying Brian Tracy’s hit, “Eat That Frog!” Rule of 3. Identify all your TOP 3 Goals/Dreams for yourself, your family/relationship, health, finances, your personal development, your social responsibility and your TOP 3 concerns. By doing so will simply give you some sense of direction. Now, try to direct all your actions towards reaching your long-term goals in what you’ve sorted out. Discipline, focusing only to important things and positive motivation to achieve success is what will fuel your drive. The rest of your dreams/goals that aren’t included can wait. Don’t fret, it’ll be of some importance in due time.

After performing that simple simulation of Brian Tracey’s bestseller, “Eat That Frog!” you will definitely have a quick peek of what I’m trying to bring out of you – your successful “YOU”.

Effective Tips From People Living in Success

Successful people nowadays are so generous to share practical and effective strategies they applied in their lives to achieve success. There are a lot of publications authored by these successful people helping others get motivated and helping themselves reach their dreams. Brian Tracy is one of the many who generously shared his simple tricks in achieving success but is truly life changing. He taught principles in optimizing wealth and accelerating productivity. His bestseller “Eat That Frog” is an effective tool in aiding someone seeking success in his or her life.

Brian Tracy shared 21 simple principles one can apply. Change is the only permanent thing in this world and by far, a better change of personality and a new set of goals is a spanking new start. The effective tips from successful people all boils down to these principles

* Knowing what they want

* Knowing their key competencies

* Motivated and only relying on themselves

* Focus and Determined

* Concentrating all their energy and time to important tasks and responsibilities

* Planning their days ahead

* Thinking on Paper

* Realistic and Time-bounded goal setting

* Prioritizing Tasks/Responsibilities according to urgency

* Always on their best foot forward

* Careful with their decisions and actions

* Taking one step at a time


* Delegating their “tadpoles”

* Not dependent on technology

* Personally evaluates their performance

* Able to spend more time with his or her family, relationship

* Able to pursue his or her health, financial, personal development and social responsibility goals

* Able to enjoy more extra FREE hours at work

* Able to enjoy more wealth

I guess each principle is self-explanatory but are further discussed in “Eat That Frog”. Brian Tracy provided simple simulations how you can apply each principle in your life and see the difference. Success is being able to equalize everything. By learning the effective tips from people living in success, success is not a dream anymore!