Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Art of Success

I understand that you are now what I used to be. I have found myself in a trap where I felt that I am going nowhere and bounded with the so-called “rat race”. I lived a stressful life before. I was trying to achieve financial freedom but found myself just working to pay all my monthly bills. My life didn’t change until I became a “frog eater”.

Brian Tracy’s book, “Eat That Frog!” made me a much more relaxed and positive person. It taught me simple approaches in my daily tasks and responsibilities. Just by eating the frogs, I learned how to prioritize and approach everything. I can now say I live a successful life. I enjoy my family’s company, my development as an individual and my finances is starting to establish.

The art of success entails discipline and focus. Never soak yourself up with a lot of external pressures. It simply destroys your initiative as an individual. Learning from Brian Tracy’s work of art is simply fascinating. The techniques are easy to follow and it brings everything in perspective. The art of success is like a jigsaw puzzle where only you can figure your way up.

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