Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Motivating Thyself

“What is it in me that holds me back?”

“What should I perform to accelerate my motivation to accomplish?”

These are common questions when one is in the crossroads. We are now living in a fast changing world where the demands of each profession sky rockets. If you’re not contented with your current job simply tells you that you are not growing as an individual in that field. Your interest and your drive to succeed are in the drain. No matter what your efforts are, you still feel unmotivated and held back. You envy others who enjoy their profession that ends up in procrastination.

Stop there and try to pause for a while. You have been dwelling in the most powerful negative vibration – self-destruction.

Brian Tracy’s hit, “Eat That Frog!” tell you to stop & relax. Try to define your purpose again and know where your passion rests. By doing so, it’ll give you a fresh start and find yourself motivated again. It will make everything clear like a bird’s eye view. It’s just like a footy game. The audience sees what the players did or did not. The players just played but didn’t see what you saw. Be the audience. Look everything in a different angle. You might just find the missing piece of the puzzle.

Motivating thyself needs not to be rushed. You need to spend time for yourself because it’s your self silently shouting for attention. By jump starting your game plan and focus will help improve your performance. According to Gandhi, “There is more to life than just increasing its speed.”

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