Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Worries Of A Procrastinator Ready For Change

I woke up this morning with a very lucid dream. I saw myself in a room – without a door and window. It felt more of like I’m in a box. The feeling was eerie and I didn’t like where I was. I was trying to get out but it seems that I’m stuck. Until I saw this ladder just lying down on the floor and realized that it was just there all the time. I hurriedly went to the ladder and saw that it wasn’t sturdy enough to carry my weight. But, I still struggled to put it against the wall and trying to climb up the ceiling (apparently, it was the only way out). When I was about to touch the ceiling and saw the light, I woke up. The ray of the sun passing through the window was naively mantling my whole face. I then got up from bed and spent 10 minutes just thinking and reflecting about my dream. Everything felt so real. I then snapped out of it and knew what I had to do. I had this really big project coming up in less than 2 weeks and I still haven’t done anything relevant for it. No inputs were done and wasted time gathering all the necessary materials. I haven’t even spent quality time with my family for the past 6 months and still bombarded with tons of tasks. I realized that only if I applied the principles from Brian Tracy’s book, “Eat That Frog!” my life would be a lot more organized and easier. But, I can’t start procrastinating and blaming myself again – that will just waste time. So, what I have in mind is to apply it now like a “lifesaver” and see if I can pull everything off. I just hope everything works.

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