Tuesday, July 15, 2008

"Eat That Frog" Brings Success

I have been living for the past year by applying the principles of Brian Tracy’s book, “Eat That Frog!” These are the things I’ve learned:

* Discipline develops a successful lifestyle
* Practice planning ahead
* Develop a sense of urgency
* Make your life blue print by “Thinking on Paper”
* Be confident with what you do I had a difficult time at first.

I failed at some points but fueled by passion and determination to un-learn my “Bad Habits”. I made it a point to rise from the fall. Coming from a really bad habit of procrastinating, I squeezed myself in achieving major changes in my life.
The process for me was the testing period. I associate myself as a caterpillar before who underwent metamorphosis and now fly like a butterfly. “Eat That Frog” really changed by pushing me to be the best. I now enjoy my altered state in success.

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