Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Make a Decision (Testimonial Series)

Brian Tracy argues that one of the most effective productivity boosters is to make a clear decision to do something or stop doing anything. Either way, do something or not. Make a decision right and get started! Eat That Frog absolutely shared useful concepts for wealth and productivity in practical applications.

For a lot of people including me, who loves to procrastinate, tends to be unproductive and incompetent. Wasting time and energy thinking about something I really should do, or I really should stop doing, or I really would like to achieve has been a common concern. But I don’t make a clear decision either way.

Decisiveness requires self-discipline, practice and repetition to eventually become a habit. It’s worth the effort, because it will maximize your productivity and make you more successful in life. Decisiveness as a second nature will make it easier to fight procrastination and to do what should do when you should do it (regardless if you’re in or not).
Getting things done and decisiveness make a great tag team. The concepts of GTD are good for clearing your head of stuff and creating a trusted system with all of your projects and next actions. However, it is all too easy to only think about your projects without Thinking On Paper. To only think about the next action that you should be doing deals with your focus. And to only think about that wonderful time on your “someday to do list” deals with your commitment. Without a decision, without delivery, it’ll all remain abstract.

Now enhance you getting things done system by applying the habit of decisiveness. By eating that frog, it directs you to a decision accompanied with an action, which project you, should be working on FIRST. Be decisive when it comes to alter stuff from your someday or maybe list into a real project. Do that and get started!

I challenge anyone who is reading this, to make a decision in your life right now. Decide to be highly productive. Decide to be rich. Decide to be successful. Make it now! By just learning from Brian Tracy’s ‘Eat That Frog’ – no frog has an escape.

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